The Federation for International Geo-Engineering Societies (FedIGS) is a collaborative forum within which learned societies or associations involved in engineering with, on, or in geo-materials can meet and interact. The purpose of the Federation is to facilitate interaction among the member societies, explore opportunities to promote their common interests and provide a unified response to common issues through effective collective actions that are more effective than individual responses of the members.
The members of the federation are:
International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
International Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering
Joint Activites
The FedIGS Board, IAEG, ISRM , IGS and ISSMGE created a number of Joint Technical Committees (JTCs) and approved the JTC Guidelines. These JTCs operate now under the umbrella of the Federation of International Geo-engineering Societies – FedIGS.
Currently, FedIGS utilizes four JTCs (See descriptions below). Each of these committees may also hold special sessions or workshops individually or as part of geotechnical engineering conferences.
The goal of JTC1 is to contribute and strengthen the cooperation between the international geo-engineering societies and their members in the development of the science of natural soil and rock slope behavior including landslide triggering and evolution.
JTC1 organizes conferences, workshops and symposia including the International Symposia on Landslides (ISLs) open to all who practice in soil mechanics, rock mechanics, engineering geology, mining engineering, geomorphology and geography.
JTC1 prepares papers, documents and guidelines for implementation of new developments into general practice.
JTC2: Vision: Making geo-engineering data intelligent with information technologies. Mission: To develop and promote paradigms that embrace emerging innovative information technologies for acquisition, storage, exchange, and utilization of standardized geo-engineering data towards intelligent subsurface models that can drive applications such as building information modeling (BIM) and smart infrastructure systems. JT2 organizes the series of International Conferences on Information Technology in Geo-engineering.
JTC3 is a Joint Technical Committee on education and training of the Federation of International Geo-engineering Societies (FedIGS) representing the International Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (ISRM) , International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE) , International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment (IAEG) , and International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) .
The goal of JTC3 is to contribute to broad cooperation between international geo-engineering societies and their members in teaching, training, and outreach facilities. JTC3 addresses education (institution educators, graduate, and undergraduate students) and industry.
JTC4 is an international Joint Technical Committee focusing on environmental and geo-engineering sustainability. The committee comprises members from the International Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (ISRM), International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE), International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment (IAEG), and International Geosynthetics Society (IGS).
The goal of JTC4 is to unite the voices of the geoengineering community and present a unified message regarding this community’s role in supporting global efforts for long-term environmental and infrastructure sustainability.