FedIGS Member Societies
FedIGS is an umbrella organization linking international professional societies in the field of “Geo-Engineering” and serving to facilitate cooperation among them.
The International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment (IAEG) was founded in 1964 and is affiliated to the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS). IAEG is a worldwide scientific society with more than 5,200 members and 59 national groups. The official languages of the IAEG are English and French.
The aims of the International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment are :
The International Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering was founded in Salzburg in 1962 as a result of the enlargement of the “Salzburger Kreis”. Its foundation is mainly owed to Prof. Leopold Müller who acted as President of the Society till September 1966. The ISRM is a non-profit scientific association supported by the fees of the members and grants that do not impair its free action. In 2020 the Society has over 8,500 members and 61 National Groups.
The field of rock mechanics and rock engineering includes all studies of the physical, mechanical, hydraulic, thermal, chemical and dynamic behaviour of rocks and rock masses, and engineering works in rock masses, using appropriate knowledge of geology.
The objectives and purposes of the Society are:
The International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment (IAEG) was founded in 1964 and is affiliated to the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS). IAEG is a worldwide scientific society with more than 90 Member Societies and over 20,000 individual members. IAEG publishes an official academic journal by Springer-Verlag “Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment” with 4 issues a year. The official languages of the IAEG are English and French.
The aims of the International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment are :
To promote and encourage the advancement of Engineering Geology through technological activities and research
To improve teaching and training in Engineering Geology, and
To collect, evaluate and disseminate the results of engineering geological activities on a worldwide basis.
The International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) is a learned society dedicated to the scientific and engineering development of geotextiles, geomembranes, related products and associated technologies. We have 47 chapters, over 4,000 members and 165+ corporate members.
The aims of the IGS are: