IAEG President
Prof. Vassilis Marinos
Vassilis Marinos
Prof. Vassilis Marinos is the 2023 – 2026 is President of the International Association of Engineering Geology and the Environment (IAEG). He is an Assistant Professor of Engineering Geology and Rock Mechanics at the National Technical University of Athens, School of Civil Engineering, Geotechnical Division, while he had been in the past an Associate Professor of Engineering Geology at the School of Geology, Faculty of Sciences, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (2010-2020).
He was born in 1976 in Athens, Greece. He holds a Doctoral Degree from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), School of Civil Engineering, Geotechnical Division, an MSc in Engineering Geology with Distinction from Imperial College and a bachelor’s degree in Geology from the University of Athens (1st in graduation list).
He has published more than 100 papers in international journals, book chapters and international conferences. His research interests are in the field of the geotechnical classification and behaviour of weak and complex rock masses in tunnelling, landslide hazard and risk analysis, natural gas pipelines, construction of geotechnical database for tunnels and urban environments, rock slope stability and evaluation and analysis of ground movement in mines. His professional experience involves consulting services for numerous highway projects, tunnelling, rockfall and landslide analysis, geohazards correlated to natural gas pipelines but also engineering geological work in the field such as mapping, geo-engineering models, geotechnical classification, geotechnical evaluation of ground investigation programs, geo-data processing, design of engineering structures in rock.
The evidence of esteem and external visibility of Vassilis Marinos are more than 2100 citations of his research work in international journals and international conferences, while his research results are included in guidelines of major projects in the industry and in geotechnical software. He has delivered numerous keynotes and lectures in conferences, Universities and companies around the world.
He has been a member of numerous professional and scientific bodies such as ISRM, ISSMGE, ITA, a member of the editorial boards of the scientific journals “Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment” and “Journal of Geotechnical and Geological Engineering” as well as a reviewer for numerous journals, such as “Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering”, “Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences”, “Engineering Geology”, “Journal of Geotechnical and Geological Engineering” and “Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology” and others.