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Seokwon Jeon

ISRM President
Prof. Seokwon Jeon

Prof. Seokwon Jeon

Prof. Seokwon Jeon is currently a Professor at Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea. He received his BS and MS degree in mineral and petroleum engineering at Seoul National University in 1987 and 1989, respectively. And he received his ME degree in civil engineering at University of California in 1991. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in mining and geological engineering at the University of Arizona in 1996. 

Since he started working in the Department of Energy Resources Engineering at Seoul National University in 1997, he has been in charge of Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering Laboratory. He authored or co-authored more than 150 peer-reviewed papers and made more than 250 technical presentations in conferences. He supervised 24 Ph.D. students and more than 38 Master’s course students. 

His research interests include experimental rock mechanics, rock fragmentation by blasting and mechanical cutting, rock fracture mechanics, tunneling engineering, surface subsidence, radioactive waste disposal and more. 

He is currently a member of National Academy of Engineering of Korea. He served in various leading roles in several academic societies, as President of Korean Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, President of the Korean Society of Mineral and Energy Resources Engineers, and Vice-President of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association.

For ISRM, he is the member of Commission on Testing Methods and Commission on Design Methodology. He has actively supported initiatives for education and cooperation with industry. He served as ISRM Vice-President for Asia from 2015 to 2019.