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Andrew McNamara

ISSMGE Secretary General
Andrew McNamara

Andrew McNamara

Andrew McNamara is a practicing engineer with a strong attachment to academia and research.  He commenced his career with Pell Frischmann and Partners in 1980 working on the landmark Standard Chartered Bank project in London. 

He joined Trollope and Colls Construction Ltd (now Skanska) in 1990 where he developed temporary works solutions for commercial building developments in London and commenced part time studies for an undergraduate degree in Civil Engineering at Kingston University followed by a part time MSc in Geotechnical Engineering at City St George’s, University of London.  He became involved in the construction of a complex deep basement at the site of the former Knightsbridge Crown Court in London.  This inspired him to undertake doctoral research at City St George’s, University of London, under the supervision of Professor Neil Taylor, involving physical modelling work to investigate novel construction methods for controlling ground movement around excavations.  He was awarded his PhD in 2001 and was appointed to a post doctoral fellowship and became a Senior Lecturer in 2004.

He is active in centrifuge research projects, addressing a wide range of construction process related problems; usually with an emphasis on sustainability or safety. Notable research has focussed on enhanced capacity bored piles in stiff clay, hollow piles for energy generation and overcoming problems inherent in pile reuse.

He organised and ran the first European regional conference on physical modelling in geotechnics in 2008 and was chair of ISSMGE technical committee TC104 on Physical Modelling in Geotechnical Engineering from 2014 – 2018; hosting the TCs quadrennial conference in 2018.

In collaboration with the Temporary Works forum (TWf) in the UK he established the Centre of Excellence in Temporary Works and Construction Method Engineering at City St George’s, University of London and developed the MSc in Temporary Works aimed at practicing engineers.

Between 2007 and 2010, he served on the editorial advisory panel for Proceedings of the ICE Geotechnical Engineering Journal.  He was a co-opted member of the British Geotechnical Association Committee from 2004 2008 and a member of the editorial advisory committee of EMAP Ground Engineering magazine between 2005 and 2015.

He is a keen supporter of the International Press-in Association which is based in Japan but with global interests; a research organisation established to better understand the design, installation and performance of pressed in piles