From the President
My Vision

The entire world is experiencing unprecedented global crisis and we all continue to navigate the challenges of the pandemic. The role of FedIGS, as a collaborative forum for geo-engineering professions, is becoming important more than ever before in providing unified response to common issues related to our professions, e.g., climate change.
Below is the vision statement during my presidency (2022-2026).
- Strengthen the interaction between the member societies by having joint technical activities at each member society major conferences in addition to regular annual meetings
- Proactively engage in geo-engineering related global issues by communicating with the general public through up-to-date digital communication tools as a global geo-leader in sustainable infrastructure development
- Get young members of each member societies more actively involved, e.g., establish a Joint Young Member Committee to provide a forum for communication between each member societies’ young members
- Enhance activities of Joint Technical Committees by strengthening knowledge sharing and dissemination of technical information within the JTCs’ subject area
- Identify and bring in relevant international geo-engineering societies to broaden the spectrum of FedIGS
- Continue to have FedIGS remained as a lightly structured, inexpensive, and unobtrusive organization

Enhance Awareness
of the FedIGS through
1. FedIGS website
2. JTCs’ conferences (ISLs, ICITGs)
3. Congresses of the member societies, e.g., FedIGS sessions, Keynote lectures from other member societies
4. FedIGS forums
5. Geo-Engineering Conference
Enhance Effectiveness
of the FedIGS through
1. No re-election of President in FedIGS
2. The Presidents would be elected following a system of rotation – that is, each time a different Society. In case the Society that should be chosen wants to disregard the right, then the next in the queue would have the right.